Exclusive Irazú Hotel Deals & Packages

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Browse the curated exclusive hotel deals and packages that make one of the best value hotels in the heart of San José even better. Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, a business trip, or an adventure in San José, Costa Rica, the special offers at Irazú Hotel & Studios are tailored to enhance your experience. Discover discounts, perks, and unique packages designed to provide you with added value and memorable moments during your stay with us. 

San Valentín

Includes accommodation for two people.
Dinner with a bottle of wine (February 14)
Live music.
Breakfast for two people.

Concert rates

Transportation to and from the National Stadium

2 people

Breakfast for 2 people.

Transportation to and from the National Stadium (departure time from the hotel to the stadium is at 5:30 p.m. and the return time is at 10:30 p.m. and the bus will be waiting for you on the east side of the ICE Group building, next to the Subway restaurant.

Free access access to the Gold Gym during your stay.

Day Pass

20% discount at Denny's (valid for breakfast or lunch).

Room (starting at 10:00 a.m.) 

Use of the facilities for 2 people Access to Gold's Gym Plaza Irazú.

Parking lot.

Subject to availability.